Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thankful for you! TpT Gift Card Giveaway!

Thankful for you! Cyber Sale Gift Card Giveaway!
A fabulous group of teachers and I are thankful for your support so enter below to win one of THREE $30 TpT gift cards!

The giveaway ends Monday, November 27 at midnight. Good luck!


The Cyber Monday sale starts at midnight! Use the code Cyber17 to receive up to 25% off! Happy shopping!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Into Thin Air Science Activity To Discover If Air Has Mass Or Weight

Looking for a quick and easy hands-on science activity to help children figure out if air has mass or weight? Children will have fun and enjoy exploring this answer through this easy to prep activity from Check it out and let me know how it worked for you!

Into Thin Air

K 2nd grades

Difficulty of Project

Less than $5.00

Safety Issues
Because of possible latex allergies, caution should be taken when using balloons

Material Availability
Readily available or easily purchased at the grocery store

Approximate Time Required to Complete the Project
30 minutes to conduct the investigation and collect the data; one day to prepare the science fair display
To investigate whether air has mass and weight
·         6 balloons (same size and shape)
·         7 pieces of string about 8 inches in length
·         Marker
·         Ruler
·         Tape
·         Table
Air is all around us. Because air is mostly invisible, many young children mistakenly assume it has no mass or weight. Air is made up of different gases, including nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, oxygen, and others. All of these gases are composed of particles, or molecules.
In this investigation, balloons filled with air are compared to show that air does have mass and weight.
Terms, Concepts, and Questions to Start Background Research
mass:t he size or amount of something compared to its weight
weight: heaviness; the amount something weighs
inflate: to fill with air
Air has weight and mass.
Research Questions
·         Does air have weight?
·         Does air have mass?
·         What inflates a balloon?
1.     Gather the necessary materials.
2.     To show that air has mass, have an adult help inflate the balloons to six different sizes.
3.     The mass of the air causes the balloons to inflate.
4.    Tie off the end of each balloon and then tie a piece of string to the end of each balloon.
5.    Using the marker, label the balloons A, B, C, D, E, and F.
6.    Predict which balloon is the heaviest. Record your prediction.
7.    Tie one end of a piece of string to the center of the ruler. Tape the other end of the string to a table so that the ruler hangs freely below. Be sure that the ruler balances straight across when it is hanging. Move the string to make adjustments.
8.     Compare the weight of the balloons by tying different combinations of balloons to the ends of the ruler exactly one inch from the end. The balloon that tips the ruler down weighs more than the other balloon. Record the data.

Branley, Franklyn M. Air is All Around You. HarperCollins Children’s Books: New York, 1962.

Author: Nancy Rogers Bosse

Disclaimer and Safety Precautions provides the Science Fair Project Ideas for informational purposes only. does not make any guarantee or representation regarding the Science Fair Project Ideas and is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage, directly or indirectly, caused by your use of such information. By accessing the Science Fair Project Ideas, you waive and renounce any claims against that arise thereof. In addition, your access to's website and Science Fair Project Ideas is covered by's Privacy Policy and site Terms of Use, which include limitations on's liability.

Warning is hereby given that not all Project Ideas are appropriate for all individuals or in all circumstances. Implementation of any Science Project Idea should be undertaken only in appropriate settings and with appropriate parental or other supervision. Reading and following the safety precautions of all materials used in a project is the sole responsibility of each individual. For further information, consult your state's handbook of Science Safety.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Halloween Fun With A Treat For You Too!

With Halloween around the corner, it was the perfect opportunity to get kids to write an opinion piece on whether or not they like Halloween! At the same time they loved creating the jack o'lantern to go with their writing.  

Surprisingly, there were a few kids that don't like Halloween!  Who knew?  

They supported their opinion with at least 3 reasons why thy liked/did not like Halloween. They did a great job.

Here's a little treat for you!  
Enjoy these pencil tags to go with some fun Halloween pencils.

Grab them here for FREE here and check out some of my FREE Halloween Color by Codes as well here.

Have a happy and safe Halloween!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Happy Labor Day!!  
Enter below for a chance to win a $25 TpT Gift card to get those last minute must-have items.

In celebration of the new school year, my store, Josie's Place, is on sale as well for those back to school items such as editable decor packs, labels, activities and much more!

Grab this incredible deal on writing paper and prompts for the entire year in the Writing Paper and Prompts Bundle.
Try out a freebie here.

The contest will run Friday Sept. 1st through Sept. 4th.
                          Lots of luck!

Monday, August 21, 2017

$10 TpT Gift Card & FREEBIES to get you ready to go back to school!

Getting ready to go back to school?  If you're like me, you're getting your room organized and planning out those first few weeks!  

Here's a fun freebie for the first day when the kids walk in the door and you need a few minutes to help everyone know what to do.  It's available for pre-K through third grade and includes the generic one below. Grab this FRREBIE for your kids here!

If parent night is around the corner, check out these easy to edit parent night orientations.  Just type in the text to customize it to your needs.  It helps keeps you on track and makes it a breeze!  Check it out here.

Next up, if you're busy getting a bulletin board ready or waiting until the kids finish their next project to put on display, grab this FREE sign in the meantime to signal it's a work in progress! You can grab this FREEBIE here!

Last but not least, if you're looking for an easy way to organize your math manipulatives, I just finished up this new set in rainbow watercolors that I just love! It's also editable to add your own.

Here's the finished product:

Enter below to win a $10 TpT gift card to help start the year off right! Winners will be announced by 7 pm so you can take advantage of the sale!


Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Final Week of the Sun, Sand, and Summer Sale!!

It's the final week of the Sun, Sand, and Summer Sale! More than 60+ teacherprenuers have come together to offer you great savings, deals, and huge giveaways! Don't miss out!

Come back on Friday for the giveaways! 


Click this link for all the $1 deals as they will only be available on Monday!

Bald Eagles  will allow students to learn all about our nation’s bird, the bald eagle. This no-prep unit includes a book about bald eagles, close reading with follow up comprehension activities and questions, life cycle wheels, and more to learn all about the bald eagle! 
Geared for 2-3.

Label It Third Edition helps students with the skill of learning to label pictures. Geared for K-1.

Next up... Treasure Tuesday offers Chalkboard Decor. Everything you need to set up a classroom and it's editable! 

Telling Time helps students identify time to the hour, half hour, and five minute interval. 
It also includes elapsed time and much more!

 Want more chalkboard fun, grab my Chalkboard First and Last Day of School Signs for free in my store!

Wrap it Up Wednesday features the Social Studies Bundle.
Here's some feedback:  

"Perfect addition to my Community Unit in Social Studies. Thank you! Students loved this whole package!" - Gina (Communities Packet)

"Thank you! I love how you had 2 different reading levels, and how the kids had to go back with colors to find text evidence."- Lori B (Communities Packet)

"Great resource for us symbols unit!"- Tracey M (US Symbols)

                 Two $$ Treats Thursday 
Buggy Math teaches students all about place value, 10 more/ 10 less, comparing and decomposing numbers through no prep dice games and follow up activities. 
"This helped my kids so much!! Love it!" -Kylee F

Community Helpers  is great for K-1 to learn all about Community Helpers.



Monday, July 17, 2017

Sun, Sand and Summer Sale Week #3 and a few FREEBIES!

Another exciting week of bargains in the Sun, Sand and Summer Sale! We are almost finished- just two more weeks to go to grab all your goodies before the start of school!


Here are a few of the deals for this week and don't forget the glorious giveaways on FRIDAY!!!

One of Monday's Dollar Deals is My Trip to the Apple Farm that was just completed!  You'll love the emergent readers, task cards and math activities in your class. It's perfect when you are headed to the Apple Farm or right after. 

Similes is perfect for second graders as they learn all about them!  Here are some of the art projects that go with it... bonus- it's NO PREP!

Click this link for all the $1 deals as they will only be available on Monday!

Half off Treasure Tuesday offers Octoberfest for Kids  which is perfect for all of October! 

Here's what a buyer has to say:

 For November, you'll have lots of fun with  the Disguise a Turkey Project.  Everything you need to complete the project- just print and go! My kids love disguising their turkeys so they are not eaten!  There is  Disguise a Turkey for grades K-1 and Disguise a Turkey grades 2-3!

 Click this link for all the 1/2 off deals as they will only be available on Tuesday!

 Click this link for all the bundle deals as they will only
be available on Wednesday!

This whimsical & fun class décor set has everything you'll need to decorate your classroom!  It includes calendar pieces, number and color posters, editable labels, signs, jobs and so much more. 

Here's some recent feedback:

Here are a few examples:

Grab  this reading banner FREEBIE here!! It's also included in the bundle.

Click this link for all the $2 deals as they will only be available on Thursday!

Spiders is perfect for teaching non-fiction text features with the comprehensive reader about spiders and follow up writing activities.

The Editable Math Labels (Rainbow Style) helped get me and keep my kids (and me!) organized. 

Also available in another style as seen below.
Please note the clipart has been updated since the picture as shown in the picture below:

It's time for a GIVEAWAY!