The holidays are almost here and what’s better than some Jolly Good Deals? This week, several teacher-authors and I are celebrating with great sales, freebies, and several opportunities to win six $50 gift cards to TPT.
Here’s the plan for this week...mark your calendars!
On Monday, enter to win one of six $50 TPT gift cards to stock up on resources for the new year!
Congrats to these winners!
You won't want to miss these deals on Tuesday!
Keep an eye out for a fun FREEBIE on Wednesday!
Here's a great gift guide that features some wonderful resources from the teacher-authors participating in the Jolly Good Deals week. Check it out here!
So here's the Thrifty Shopper Thursday Deal- there are two! Just type in #Jollygoodbundledeal to check out this deal and others!
Label It is perfect for young learners practicing the skill of labeling. Great for K-1.
For our 2nd & 3rd grade friends... a social studies bundle including Map Skills, Communities (rural, urban, and suburban), and U.S. Symbols. Check out a sample of
Two great half-off deals for Friday! Don't forget to enter the TPT gift card rafflecopter above!
Thanks for checking out the Jolly Good Deals Week!
As a special treat my store will be 20% off on Friday!
Check out my post for some fabulous DECEMBER FREEBIES as well!