Sunday, December 11, 2016

Jolly Good Deals!

The holidays are almost here and what’s better than  some Jolly Good Deals?  This week, several teacher-authors and I are celebrating with great sales, freebies, and several opportunities to win  six $50 gift cards to TPT. 
Here’s the plan for this week...mark your calendars!

On Monday, enter to win one of six $50 TPT gift cards to stock up on resources for the new year!
Congrats to these winners!

You won't want to miss these deals on Tuesday!

Keep an eye out for a fun FREEBIE on Wednesday!

Here's a great gift guide that features some wonderful resources from the teacher-authors participating in the Jolly Good Deals week.  Check it out here!

So here's the Thrifty Shopper Thursday Deal- there are two! Just type in #Jollygoodbundledeal to check out this deal and others!

Label It is perfect for  young learners practicing the skill of labeling. Great for K-1.

For our 2nd & 3rd grade friends... a social studies bundle including Map Skills, Communities (rural, urban, and suburban), and U.S. Symbols. Check out a sample of 

 Two great half-off deals for Friday!  Don't forget to enter the TPT gift card rafflecopter above!

 Thanks for checking out the Jolly Good Deals Week! 

As a special treat my store will be 20% off on Friday!

Check out my post for some fabulous DECEMBER FREEBIES as well!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Polar Express and December FREEBIES!

You probably know by now that I love the Polar Express and enjoyed creating my original Polar Express Unit. However, since I’m teaching second grade now, I finally put together a Polar Express pack designed for second/third graders. 

All the planning, parent notes, and reminders for having a fabulous Polar Express Day are done for you.  
However, this new pack has language arts and math concepts geared for second and third graders to last you through December.  

Who can pass up an opportunity to wear PJs?

Below, a few activities to work on visualization and math concepts.

Here are some of the kids playing a game to reinforce learning about geometric shapes:

Check out some of the great activities below:

Writing prompts, vocabulary, visualization and sequencing activities, graphing, math word problems, task cards and so much more! Grab this activity here!

Here's one more fabulous activity to do with your class either in class or to complete at home.  The students design a new suit for Santa. Then, they write a persuasive letter to convince him to choose their design.  There's different paper to suit the wide range of ages that would enjoy this activity!

Here are some terrific and creative designs:

Here's a fun activity to do with your class during the holidays.  Have students write kind things that they do for others.  This was one of our Kindness Elf activities that you can read more about here.  Last year, we made a tree and this year we made a wreath.  Here's how it turned out.

Last, but not least, these adorable reindeer directed drawing came out great thanks to Artventurous's idea.  You can find how to make this on her blog by clicking here.

Look below for some terrific  FREEBIES to make your December a joyous one!


Sunday, November 27, 2016

TpT Wishlist Linky!

Great News! TpT is having a cyber sale on November 28th and 29th. It’s a great time to stock up on some fabulous resources for the holidays and upcoming months!
Save up to 28% by using the promo code cyber2016 when you check out.

Don't forget! 
Take a minute to leave feedback on your previous purchase to earn credit towards future purchases. 
Here's how: 

Here are some of my most wish listed items.  Visit Daisy Designs for other top wish listed items from other teachers!

I also just finished up Polar Express and December Fun Version for 2nd and 3rd grade.  It contains everything you need to prep for Polar Express day with letters to parents, invites, text to self connections, math printables and much more to work on throughout the month of December.  Many worksheets are differentiated to meet the needs of all your learners. Here's a preview of just some of the goodies! 

         Label It! There are 2 more editions to check out!

                      Happy Shopping!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Thanksgiving and November Freebies!

November is a time to be thankful for our family, friends and FREEBIES!  Check out some wonderful FREE Activities to do with your class this month.

But first I'd love to share a fun activity we do each year. 
In November, my kids disguise their turkey so it's not eaten and makes it past Thanksgiving. Here are some of their ideas. It's a fabulous and no-prep project to send home. They are adorable! It also includes a writing activity (not shown).

It also includes math and language arts printables to practice skills such as skip counting, greater/less than, money, graphing, and much more!

You can grab this activity here  which is perfect for students in grades 2 & 3.

There is also  Turkey Time for students in grades K &1. You can grab it  here. 

We also created these thankful placemats. We did a directed drawing for the body and head of the turkey and then the kids cut out two hearts for wings.  After, we added the face, wattle, and beak and added the feathers.

Now for some November freebies!

Enjoy this adorable Turkey topper to go with a Thankful Writing Activity!

Here are some color code freebies to help students learn color words and practice math facts. Click on the links below!

Enjoy some great freebies from some other fabulous teacher-authors.